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Our aim is to provide a well-rounded, ambitious and exciting music curriculum for all pupils. We provide every pupil with ongoing opportunities to play instruments, sing, compose and listen to and appreciate a wide selection of recorded and live music. 

In order for our pupils to have access to excellent music provision, we have organised music lessons to be delivered by music specialists. We have partnered with our local music hub, Slough Music Service and through the hub we provide whole class music provision and peripatetic provision. 

Slough Music Service ensure that all music provision is fully inline with the expectations outlined in the National Curriuclum for Music. 

We structure our music lessons so that all pupils will access a full music curriucum inlcusive of composition, singing, and listening and appraisal but we also promote the WOPPS (wider opportunities) approach of developing children's abilities to learn to play an instrument. 

Our WOPPS structure is as follows:

  • Year 3: Recorder 
  • Year 4: Singing 
  • Year 5: Ukulele
  • Year 6: Trombone

GJA Music Concepts


In response to the DFE's National Plan for Music, 'The Power of Music to Change Lives,' we have implemented the following:

  • We have a clearly established music subject leader. This is Mrs Abell who is a music graduate and trained as a secondary music teacher. 
  • We have created and implemented a Music Development Plan. 
  • We ensure all pupils receive instrumental lessons and we have used our pupil premium funding to purchase a ukuele for disadvantaged pupils. 
  • We have partnered with our local music hub, Slough Music Service, who provide whole class music lessons and peripatetic lessons to our pupils. 
  • Music is fully inclusice at GJA. All pupils have the opportunity to learn an instrument and all pupils have the opportunity to join a music club. 
  • Every class has a weekly music lesson delivered by a music specialist. 
  • Year 3 and 4 have recorder lessons, Year 5 have ukulele lessons and Year 6 have trombone lessons 
  • We have a range of music clubs to join inlcuding ocarina, ukulele, choir and the steel band. 
  • We have termly performances that include Christmas productions, class assemblies and end of year productions. We also have special federation events such as Young Musician of the Year and Celebration Saturday. 
  • We ensure every year group has at least one opportunity to experience a live music performance every year. 


  • Children will achieve age related expectations in music at the end of their cohort year.
  • Children will retain knowledge that is pertinent to music.
  • Children will have the opportunity to foster their instrumental flare and use this as a form of expression.
  • Children will participate in wider musical activities.
  • Opportunities for improved well-being and confidence will be increased.
  • Children will gain wider audience performance experience.
  • Children will have heightened awareness of musical opportunities available in and outside of school in the hope that access will be increased.

Every cohort enjoyed a live performance from Toscana Strings

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Music Lessons at GJA

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The GJA Steel Band

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Year 6 Trombone Lessons

Music Workshop From Vache Baroque

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