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Godolphin is committed to teaching vocabulary and enabling children to deepen their understanding of the English language and to use and apply vocabulary effectively. We have a text-based curriculum at Godolphin and our daily comprehension and textual analysis lessons are an essential vehicle for introducing, learning, practising and applying vocabulary. We also ensure pupils are provided with a rich diet of academic vocabulary and can acquire the technical language used across a range of subject disciplines. 

Every half term, we introduce our pupils to a set of words that will unlock the curriculum and develop their cultural capital by building their repertoire of language. This list of vocabulary is organised into three tiers: every day language, words within the class text, and technical, subject-specific language. We actively teach and practise these words and assess children on their acquisition of language so that we can continue to build and strengthen every pupils use of vocabulary, as well as ensure their is a clear progression of language provision threaded within our whole school curriculum. 

Please find the list of tiered vocabulary below that pupils in each year group will learn each half term.