British Values
At the heart of Godolphin's curriculum is being able to treat each other with respect and good manners. This is taught through R Time each week and is embedded throughout the whole school. Our ethos is built upon our three diamond rules:
We care for everyone and everything
We show respect and good manners at all times
We follow instructions with thought and care
Through a weekly session of R Time we carefully provide children with opportunities to work with every single child in their class, to share, to practice using manners and to respect each other's differences and individuality. Through the teaching of R Time we teach children how to resolve their disagreements and to politely and confidently express their views. These skills transfer across our wider curriculum and prepare our children for the future, to be responsible, respectful citizens who contribute positively to society.
Our Head Pupils recently met with our Academy Council and our Head Girl spoke with absolute conviction and said:
'R Time has enabled me to work with lots of different children, including children I wouldn't normally work with or didn't know. Now when I walk down the corridors I say 'Good morning' to everyone I meet because I have the confidence to do that now. I know that it's ok.'
At Godolphin Junior Academy we ensure that our curriculum promotes the British Values of:
- Democracy
- The rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect
- Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
We promote democracy by electing a School Council and Head Boy and Head Girl. We also recruit Young Leaders through an application and interview process. These initiatives promote and teach about democracy and the electoral process. Our School Council gather thoughts and feedback from their class each week and report it back in their meetings. They use their initiative and make decisions on what they judge to be best for our school. School Council also provide an agenda item each week for the school's senior leaders. This is because we truly believe in democracy and ensure that our School Council have a meaningful contribution to school improvement.
Our Young Leaders are easily identifiable as they wear bright yellow jumpers so that pupils can recognise them instantly. Young Leaders act as role models and have a duty to help and guide their fellow pupils. This includes helping children to solve disagreements, leading activities on the playground, supporting pupils with their learning and offering friendships to others.
Further to this our Head Pupils have met with our Academy Council and the Board of Directors to represent Godolphin and communicate our school priorities with them.
All children are taught about the principle of democracy through our curriculum and assemblies.
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The rule of law
All pupils at Godolphin Junior Academy know and understand our three diamond rules for behaviour. Pupils enjoy receiving Dojo points, filling bouncy ball jars and earning rewards in return for promoting the three rules and demonstrating excellent behaviour. Our expectations for pupil behaviour is clearly stated in our behaviour policy.
Through our curriculum, assemblies and Jigsaw PSHE programme we also teach children to have a strong sense of morality and to know the difference between right and wrong.
Mutual Respect
Mutual respect is promoted in every area of our curriculum and is one of our diamond rules. We especially promote and teach this during our PSHE lesson. At Godolphin Junior Academy, we follow the Jigsaw Scheme for PSHE. These sessions begin with a 'calm me' introduction and every pupil is reminded about the importance of respecting each other's thoughts and contributions. During our Jigsaw sessions, pupils have thought-provoking discussions and opportunities for personal reflection which are all treated and received with absolute tolerance and respect.
Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs
Godolphin Junior Academy is a diverse school. We actively promote diversity through our celebration of different faiths and cultures. This is achieved through equipping students with the ability to understand their place in a culturally diverse society. Students are actively encouraged to share their faiths and beliefs within school and celebrate festivities throughout the calendar year. The RE curriculum provides a broad and balanced education on a range of faiths, religions and cultures. Every year group visits a place of worship each year.
Pupils at Godolphin Junior Academy contribute positively to life in modern Britain through hosting community events such as Lark in the Park or organising our annual afternoon with senior citizens. We are also hugely dedicated to raising money for charity and have an active group of pupil promoters called 'Charity Champions.' The Charity Champons have hosted many events that have fund raised for a range of charities including NSPCC, Macmillan, Action Aid, Save the Children and our local food bank.
Godolphin Junior Academy are dedicated to ensuring that our pupils leave with the strongest foundation of values upon which to build a life-long successful contribution to our society.